GREEN ECONOMY, ECO-INNOVATION AS A DEVELOPING PATTERN – Condor Group is the key player at the Campania Eco-Friendly Festival

Condor wants to add an important value, to grow the market but not only: the natural environment we live in must be protected, and therefore our social responsibility secured.

The CONDOR Group is involved in a superb path, whose aim is promoting eco-friendly yet innovative products, keeping high European standards as of safety matters: that’s a true challenge, which the whole entrepreneurship system must face with in order to support our country growing.

CONDOR quality products is also guaranteed by the number of certifications obtained: SGS  S.A. (high-quality standards and customer satisfaction); DAS UKAS (ethic behaviours and natural environment protection); NF (products in compliance with French regulations).

There is quite a noteworthy product impact on the environment, often neglected.” – says Francesco Petrosino, Condor Group General Director – “That’s the reason why we’re making eco-friendly choices: it is a duty a company cannot defy, and it pays back. Investing on eco-friendly  innovations is a winning factor to CONDOR, which makes us competitive especially on the international market”.    

CONDOR Group pattern, an expression of governance policy, has been the key player at the “Campania Eco Festival”, one of the most eco-friendly and important projects in Italy.

The event, arranged at the Fosso Imperatore eco-area (Salerno), a modern structure designed to manage waste sorting, had the aim of sensitising young people, coupling passion for music and for the natural environment, thanks to the attendance of international musicians, managers and green economy scientists.

Our aim is to get people through this, how an efficient industrial production can be achieved by bearing in mind the European regulations, which advert an intelligent growing from an eco-sustainable point of view. An experience” – says Petrosino ending his speech – “that will make the new generation aware of how to be a good citizen and to make efforts, every single one, protecting our planet, starting from the industries.”

In particular, CONDOR supports a new social communication project, which is aimed to promote virtuous ethic, safeguarding the nature by advertising such subjects like the waste sorting, recycling, renewable energy and savings. We can go from small “green” daily tasks, inspired by a healthy and eco-friendly life-style: biological food, planting trees to mitigate CO2 emissions produced during events, using biocompatible glass and dishes, as a free distribution of public waters.

So, CONDOR social responsibility is once again a chosen strategy, which aims to appreciate the territory, cooperating as well with most important regional universities and offering training to deserving students.


Condor Group investe in formazione

Francesco Petrosino

Il 2014 si è aperto nel segno della ricerca per Condor Group – industria specializzata in prodotti innovativi per edilizia ed infrastrutture – grazie al progetto formativo promosso per valorizzare i giovani del territorio. Siglate tre importanti partnership con l’Università di SalernoCorCE Campania e Business School del Sole 24Ore, tramite Confindustria Assafrica & Mediterraneo, finalizzate a stage e tirocini di inserimento nell’area marketing e comunicazione, con particolare attenzione all’internazionalizzazione ed ai social media.

I giovani sono la nostra prima risorsa – spiega Francesco Petrosino, Direttore Generale di Condor Group – basti pensare che su circa 100 dipendenti, l’età media in azienda è di 32 anni. Come imprenditore sento la responsabilità di fare la mia parte per valorizzare il nostro territorio, soprattutto in un periodo di crisi, offrendo l’opportunità ai talenti più meritevoli di trasferire le proprie competenze alla ricerca applicata e concludere un percorso virtuoso”.

Il progetto avviato con il master “Project Management e Sviluppo Internazionale” del Sole 24Ore, prevede tre moduli principali: Cooperazione e sviluppo internazionale; Internazionalizzazione, Scelte strategiche d’impresa e marketing, e Progettazione a livello europeo e internazionale.

Abbiamo deciso di attivare una collaborazione con la Business School del Sole 24Ore – afferma Pierluigi d’Agata, Direttore di Confindustria Assafrica & Mediterraneo – perché questa ci permette di dare la possibilità alle nostre associate, come Condor Group, di ospitare giovani allievi del master per uno stage in azienda. Con un taglio fortemente operativo, l’obiettivo è di formare figure professionali competenti, per sviluppare il processo di internazionalizzazione specie delle piccole e medie imprese italiane”.

CondorL’azienda, dotata di un Centro di ricerca, sviluppo e controllo qualità, è presente anche in Maghreb, Serbia, Romania, Russia, Ucraina, Bosnia Erzegovina, Arabia Saudita, Qatar ed Emirati Arabi.

Per essere competitive nei mercati globali – a parlare è Riccardo Resciniti, Direttore Scientifico del master CorCe Campania – oggi le imprese devono essere in grado di pensare internazionale e questo richiede risorse e competenze specializzate. L’attenzione rivolta da Condor al nostro corso di alta formazione, quale partner, ne testimonia con evidenza la sensibilità verso queste tematiche”.

Avviata anche la collaborazione con il corso in Lingue e culture stranieredel Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici (DipSUm), presso l’Università degli studi di Salerno.

“Per permettere ai laureati un efficace inserimento nel mondo del lavoro – racconta Sabrina Galano, Delegata Tirocini e Placement del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici – il corso di studi opera un’intensa attività di orientamento in uscita, attraverso la stipula di convenzioni con enti e aziende qualificate del territorio, in modo da permettere il flessibile adeguamento del  laureato ad una pluralità di mansioni professionali negli ambiti della comunicazione e dei servizi, dell’interculturalismo e dell’internazionalizzazione, nonché ad attività nell’area economica”.

Condor Group ha già attivato una serie di convenzioni anche con il Politecnico di Milano e con gli atenei di Benevento e Napoli, per favorire la ricerca e lo sviluppo di prodotti innovativi.

Macchine Edili


Aludeck: la nuova “solution in evolution” di Condor.

Aludeck Slab

Solaio Aludeck

Il nuovo sistema per solai di Condor per la ricostruzione de l’Aquila.

Il motto “solution in evolution” ben rappresenta lo spirito Condor che da sempre investe nella progettazione e nello sviluppo di nuovi prodotti nel settore dell’edilizia.

Un dipartimento di grande rilievo formato da un team di ingegneri  e progettisti  che partendo dall’esigenze dei cantieri sviluppano prodotti che possono dare una risposta concreta ai bisogni degli addetti ai lavori.

E’ con questa logica che nascono i prodotti Condor, da sempre all’avanguardia nel settore dell’edilizia con la produzione, vendita e noleggio di ponteggi, casseforme, solai, strutture di sostegno, blindaggi e  strutture per eventi e spettacolo. Continua a leggere

Physical risks factors in construction job sites

Noise, vibration, manual handling of the loads and open air activities represent the main risk factors for construction workers’ health.

Statistics underlines the dangers to consider to execute the necessary measures and prevent any job site accident.

In fact, there are many factors of physical risk, starting from the noise: the functioning of construction machineries and equipments used in construction produces high level of acoustic pollution exposing all the job site operators.

Another problem is related to vibrations: the use of portable vibration equipment and construction machineries and diggers expose workers to a high risk for mechanical vibrations transmitted to the human body through the handle of the vibrating equipment, and through the feet if on the platform or the gluteus if the operator is sitting.

Exposition to those vibrations can cause disturbs or injuries to upper arts, particularly vascular, osseous-joint, neurological, muscular disturbs, or injuries to the spinal column, particularly lumbar pain and backbone traumas, especially if in presence of cold weather and humidity.

Particularly present in the job sites also the risks dues to the manual handling of loads, exposing workers to disturbs and muscle-skeletal diseases from bio-mechanical overload of the vertebral column and of upper and lower arts.

Open air works, even more during hot seasons, can determine a warmth load that the body eliminates by increasing perspiration and heart rate. The higher is the warmth load, the more frequent those happenings can be, becoming so relevant to cause true diseases, as it could be heatstroke or heat-fainting.

In a firm technologically advanced, to invest in security cannot be considered just as a possibility but needs to be a strong point, both on the ethical and professional point of view.

Condor is involved in projects responding to a triple necessity: to ensure the total reliability to its partners, to respect the main European standards in the field of security and to prevent potential working accidents.

Thanks to an efficient Technical Department, beating heart of the company, and to an efficient Research, Development and Quality Insurance centre , who fine tuned the Risk Free patent, Condor proposes a wide selection of products for the Infrastructural, Industrial, Residential construction and for reconstruction, offering the greatest guarantee in terms of security, costs and production time.



The Italian multinational company launches an innovative app for Android and Apple systems.


Condor – specialized industry in innovative systems for construction and infrastructure – debuts on tablets and mobile and, starting from today, enters in the Android and Apple prestigious multimedia showcases.

The Italian multinational, therefore, confirms its innate vocation for research also in the digital world, strengthening its presence on the web with a new business app that will allow anyone to come into direct contact with the company and with highly qualified experts of the Research, Development and Quality control Centre.

In particular, users can view Condor products and systems divided into categories, deepen technical specifications, learn about current projects through the news section and contact the technical office to ask them to evaluate and design customized solutions.

After the launch of the new site and the restyling of international sites, Condor is projected in the digital world, implementing a new communication channel, optimized for all smartphones with the latest generation dynamic content, easy to use and always more integrated with the modern social networks.

Enter in the virtual factory is easy: just go into the menu of Google Play and Apple Store, type in “Condor Group” on your phone and install the app to have Condor always just a click away.

In addition, through the appropriate drop-down menu, users can access with a single app on the corporate website, dedicated to the institutional activities and social responsibility. And the news does not end there.

Condor, in fact, is on the web with “Edilportale – Archiproducts” and the blog, which houses the main articles on the topics of the sector and, in particular, in the field of security.

A genuine news aggregator, edited from Condor Marketing and Communications area – along with the social channels active on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google+ – represents a point of reference for experts, customers and journalists.

Condor is one of the main leaders of the domestic and international market scenario, and it is present, with offices and commercial delegations, in the Maghreb, the Balkans, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

To meet the international customers, inform and stimulate dialogue and discussion with several partners, the company is committed to the continuous development and updating of web sites also in mother tongue:;;;;;;;;



Among the key actions, youth valorisation and promotion of innovation and formation.

G20 Young Entrepreneurs’ Alliance – YEA, the summit for 400 young entrepreneurs from G20 Countries, held in Sidney from the 18th to the 22nd of July, came to an end.

The Italian Delegation –  led by Luca Donelli, Responsible for International Relations, and the Sherpa Nicola Altobelli – saw in the team Francesco Petrosino, Condor Group General Director, representing Confindustria Avellino Youth Entrepreneurs.

Aim of the summit was the promotion of entrepreneurship as strength for the economic recovery, the creation of new jobs, innovation and social change through networking among young people coming from the 20 most powerful economies in the world.

During the summit eight themes from international news have been examined in depth, among which: reforming the global financial system to promote investments and access to capital to accessible conditions; creating a G20 valid visa, to allow entrepreneurs to build enterprises and facilitate the hiring of qualified foreign employees; sustaining the United Nations in defining post 2015 development goals, adding one dedicated to youth employment and entrepreneurship, particularly for young women; finally, promoting instruction and education, intensifying cooperation between schools and enterprises, aligning educational paths to market needs and fostering technical education.

Condor, enterprise specialise in innovative systems for construction industry and infrastructures, is particularly sensitive to enhancement of youth. In fact, up to around 100 employees, the average age is 32 years old. The Italian multinational, equipped with an important Research and Development centre, signed several agreements with universities and research institutes.

This summit witnesses the virtuous path undertaken by Condor – says the Director Mr Petrosinoaiming to the development of young people and the recognition of merits. In the last three years we started important partnerships with CorCE Campania, Business School from Sole24Ore, Politecnico di Milano and Universities of Napoli, Salerno and Sannio, to enhance educational paths particularly aiming to internationalisation. Condor is proud of the results reached by the  of foreign delegations, as proof of the right direction undertaken by our company, perfectly on line with the strategy underlined from the conference in Sidney”.

G20 YEA, organised by ENYA – Enterprise Network for Young Australians in preparation of the G20 Leaders Summit, represent the natural prosecution of a project started in Stresa in 2009, continued in Toronto in 2010, in Nice in 2011 and in Mexico City in 2012.

“At the United Nations – explains Helen Clarke, UN Development Programme Administrator – we hold the same consideration for entrepreneurship as G20 YEA, a way for young people to improve their life, contribute to the growth in their Countries and answer to global matters”.

Structured in three days, the conference involved 20 national delegations who undersigned a joint declaration, Final Communiqué, to express their position on social and economic key issues, besides a concrete plan to fight youth unemployment.

The document – handed over to Victor Perton, member of the G20 Australian presidency, Robert Milliner, Sherpa B20, and other stakeholders and partners – will be presented in November during the G20 Leaders Summit in Brisbane, with the presence of Head of States and Government.


Among the key actions, youth valorisation and promotion of innovation and formation.

G20 Young Entrepreneurs’ Alliance – YEA, the summit for 400 young entrepreneurs from G20 Countries, held in Sidney from the 18th to the 22nd of July, came to an end.

The Italian Delegation –  led by Luca Donelli, Responsible for International Relations, and the Sherpa Nicola Altobelli – saw in the team Francesco Petrosino, Condor Group General Director, representing Confindustria Avellino Youth Entrepreneurs.

Aim of the summit was the promotion of entrepreneurship as strength for the economic recovery, the creation of new jobs, innovation and social change through networking among young people coming from the 20 most powerful economies in the world.

During the summit eight themes from international news have been examined in depth, among which: reforming the global financial system to promote investments and access to capital to accessible conditions; creating a G20 valid visa, to allow entrepreneurs to build enterprises and facilitate the hiring of qualified foreign employees; sustaining the United Nations in defining post 2015 development goals, adding one dedicated to youth employment and entrepreneurship, particularly for young women; finally, promoting instruction and education, intensifying cooperation between schools and enterprises, aligning educational paths to market needs and fostering technical education.

Condor, enterprise specialise in innovative systems for construction industry and infrastructures, is particularly sensitive to enhancement of youth. In fact, up to around 100 employees, the average age is 32 years old. The Italian multinational, equipped with an important Research and Development centre, signed several agreements with universities and research institutes.

This summit witnesses the virtuous path undertaken by Condor – says the Director Mr Petrosinoaiming to the development of young people and the recognition of merits. In the last three years we started important partnerships with CorCE Campania, Business School from Sole24Ore, Politecnico di Milano and Universities of Napoli, Salerno and Sannio, to enhance educational paths particularly aiming to internationalisation. Condor is proud of the results reached by the  of foreign delegations, as proof of the right direction undertaken by our company, perfectly on line with the strategy underlined from the conference in Sidney”.

G20 YEA, organised by ENYA – Enterprise Network for Young Australians in preparation of the G20 Leaders Summit, represent the natural prosecution of a project started in Stresa in 2009, continued in Toronto in 2010, in Nice in 2011 and in Mexico City in 2012.

“At the United Nations – explains Helen Clarke, UN Development Programme Administrator – we hold the same consideration for entrepreneurship as G20 YEA, a way for young people to improve their life, contribute to the growth in their Countries and answer to global matters”.

Structured in three days, the conference involved 20 national delegations who undersigned a joint declaration, Final Communiqué, to express their position on social and economic key issues, besides a concrete plan to fight youth unemployment.

The document – handed over to Victor Perton, member of the G20 Australian presidency, Robert Milliner, Sherpa B20, and other stakeholders and partners – will be presented in November during the G20 Leaders Summit in Brisbane, with the presence of Head of States and Government.



Condor finds growth potential in Algeria

The Batimatec International Exhibition of Building, Construction Material and Public Works show in Algiers took place in May.

A company spokesman for Italian scaffolding provider Condor Group said Algeria presented great opportunities thanks to a solid economy. “The macroeconomic framework is solid and continues to be characterised, especially in financial terms, by positive indicators.

“The [country’s] current investment plan, in fact, is focused on infrastructure development: roads, highways, civil and industrial infrastructures, supermarkets, sports centres and construction.”

The Algerian government, in powere since September 2012, prioritised the construction of 1 million residential properties, according to Condor. “In addition, the second half of 2013 marked the operational phase of these projects, which were undertaken in all major cities of the country,” said the spokesman.

There were more than 1000 exhibitors at the 17th edition of the Batimatec show, with an Italian pavilion of 1000 square metres. The MENA region  – Middle East and North Africa – is of particular interest to Condor which has offices located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Bucharest, Romania and Moscow, Russia.

Visitors to the Condor stand were especially interested in formwork and tower structures, said the company.



Sempre più numerosi gli incidenti professionali dovuti ogni anno a crolli di palchi o a carenze nella prevenzione, nell’ambito di manifestazioni, spettacoli e fiere.

Per far fronte a questa emergenza, il 21 febbraio scorso l’ex ministro del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali, Enrico Giovannini, ha firmato il decreto interministeriale sulla sicurezza dei palchi e degli allestimenti. Un decreto che colma un vuoto normativo in materia di salute, durante l’allestimento e il disallestimento di palchi per spettacoli musicali, teatrali e cinematografici, e di strutture per manifestazioni fieristiche.

In particolare, sono stati finalmente chiariti i casi in cui è doveroso attivare l’organizzazione prevista per i cantieri temporanei o mobili e, di conseguenza, quelli in cui è necessario l’ausilio del coordinatore della sicurezza, sia in fase di progettazione che di esecuzione di lavori, per la tutela della salute e della sicurezza degli operatori che svolgono la loro attività in questo settore.

Condor Group – industria specializzata nella progettazione e produzione di ponteggi, casseforme per pareti e per solai, strutture di sostegno, blindaggi per scavi in sicurezza, strutture per lo spettacolo, tribune e palchi – ha accolto favorevolmente il provvedimento, in linea con la politica della governance in tema di responsabilità sociale.

L’azienda, infatti, da anni ha avviato un percorso virtuoso, investendo sulla cultura della prevenzione per ridurre il rischio di infortuni e migliorare le condizioni di lavoro.

Da questo punto di vista, ha già realizzato due brevetti internazionali: il Risk Free, un ponteggio a telai che consente al personale addetto al montaggio ed allo smontaggio, di operare in sicurezza anche senza supporto di dispositivi anticaduta; ed il sistema Multicom, che permette di realizzare senza rischi ponteggi di facciata di ogni tipo, torri di sostegno o di getto per solai, scale pubbliche con altezze fino a 60 metri, coperture fino a luci di 30 metri, passerelle pedonali, scale pubbliche e di emergenza, palchi e tribune per manifestazioni sportive o di spettacolo, oltre ad opere speciali.

Ma le iniziative messe in campo da Condor non finiscono qui. Dopo aver ideato le casseforme per solai con montaggio in sicurezza per evitare il rischio di cadute, all’interno del suo Centro di ricerca, sviluppo e controllo qualità, è stato costituito anche un gruppo di lavoro dedicato a progetti formativi e sperimentali, con l’obiettivo di lanciare sul mercato prodotti sempre più innovativi, conformi ai principali standard europei di sicurezza.


Incentivi INAIL per interventi in materia di Salute e Sicurezza sul lavoro

Condor Group, azienda leader in Italia nella produzione di ponteggi e casseforme per ledilizia, desidera informarVi che  stato pubblicato in Gazzetta Ufficiale del 20 dicembre 2013 (GU n. 298) il nuovo bando INAIL per i finanziamenti alle imprese che realizzino “interventi in materia di Salute e Sicurezza sul lavoro.

Obiettivo del bando è incentivare le imprese ad investire per il miglioramento dei livelli di sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro.

L’entità delle risorse per l’anno 2014 è di oltre 307 milioni di euro, ripartiti in budget regionali in funzione del numero degli addetti e del rapporto di gravità degli infortuni e pubblicati nei rispettivi Avvisi regionali.
Il finanziamento è costituito da un contributo, in conto capitale, nella misura del 65% delle spese sostenute dall’impresa per la realizzazione del progetto, per un massimo di 130.000 euro.

Le Imprese interessate possono presentare la domanda di partecipazione dal 21 gennaio all’8 aprile 2014, accedendo all’area dedicata sul portale INAIL.

Sono ammessi al contributo progetti ricadenti in una delle seguenti tipologie:
►Progetti di investimento
►Progetti di Responsabilità Sociale e per l’adozione di modelli organizzativi
►Progetti per la sostituzione o l’adeguamento di attrezzature di lavoro messe in servizio anteriormente al 21/9/1996 con attrezzature rispondenti ai requisiti di cui al Titolo III del d.lgs. 81/2008 s.m.i. e di ogni altra disposizione di legge applicabile in materia.

Le imprese possono presentare un solo progetto, per una sola unità produttiva, su tutto il territorio nazionale, riguardante una sola tipologia tra quelle sopra indicate.
Per i progetti di tipologia 2 l’intervento richiesto può riguardare tutti i lavoratori facenti capo ad un unico datore di lavoro, anche se operanti in più sedi o più regioni.

I finanziamenti sono a fondo perduto e vengono assegnati fino a esaurimento, secondo l’ordine cronologico di arrivo.

INAIL inoltre riconosce una riduzione del premio assicurativo alle aziende con dipendenti, attive da almeno due anni e che abbiano realizzato, nell’anno precedente alla richiesta, interventi di prevenzione per migliorare le condizioni di salute e sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro. Le percentuali di risparmio sul premio variano in relazione alla dimensione aziendale e sono più elevate per le aziende più piccole. Ne beneficiano le imprese in regola con le disposizioni in materia di prevenzione infortuni e di igiene del lavoro e con gli obblighi contributivi ed assicurativi. La domanda deve essere presentata online entro il 28 febbraio 2014.

Condor Group propone un ampio portafoglio di prodotti e servizi studiati per la  Sicurezza del cantiere quali:

–       Ponteggio Sicuro Risk Free:

–       Ponteggio Multidirezionale MC:

–       Sistema per solaio Aludeck:

–       Casseforme per pareti Easyset:

Non esitate a contattarci.